Saturday, October 16, 2010

Limu Plus can Stabilize Blood Pressure & Lower Cholesterol...

Limu Moui found in Brown Algae is a main ingredient in Limu Plus. This Brown Algae is from the Tonga Islands of the Pacific Ocean. This species of Brown Algae possess many beneficial elements that promote improved health and wellness in our daily body function. It is said that more than 70 million Adults are affected by Hypertension in the US. Other concerning conditions are diabetes and High Cholesterol which increase our risk of heart attack and stroke.

A beneficial element of Brown Algae is Fucoidan which improves many of our body’s functions including blood pressure and stopping the hardening process of plaque in our arteries. Below you will find some symptoms of High Blood Pressure. Unfortunately there are no symptoms of High Cholesterol but below you will find risk factors:

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure:

u    Dizziness
u    Nausea
u    chest pains
u    Vision problems
u    Irregular Heart Beat
u    Blood in Urine

Risk Factors of High Cholesterol:

u    Family History
u    Disease like Diabetes & Some thyroid gland conditions
u    Poor Diet
u    Obesity
u    Smoking

Fucoidan is beneficial in both Hypertension control & Lowering Cholesterol levels because it changes the way liver enzymes control the fatty acids that are metabolized. This lowers the levels of LDL reducing the plaque buildup in the arteries. It also has been proven to balance the pressure of the flow of blood through the arteries reducing overall blood pressure. If you feel you have any of the symptoms or risk factors contact your physician and add Limu Moui to your diet today.

 Edward Pena is a successful network marketer that owns his own company and helps mentor people to be successful in mlm. To take advantage of his free advice, go to: MLMSuccess

1 comment:

  1. Testimonial:

    I just wanted to share this bit of wonder. I was introduced to Limu Plus just over 3 months ago. After taking it for less than a week, I noticed an amazing difference in my joint pain especially my knees. Walking up a flight of stairs was unmanageable before Limu Plus. I had tried prescription anti-inflammatory medications from my doctor but all they did was upset my stomach, no real relief from the pain. I was still walking like a crippled up old lady at 46. Now, thanks to Limu Plus, I don’t hobble like I used to and stairs are so much more manageable. I still have my limits, and my body tells me when I’ve reached them but with Limu Plus on my side, I can do things now that I couldn’t before and have the energy for them as well – even something as simple as running the vacuum.

    So impressed was I with the power of Limu Plus, I told my mother in law about it and shared what it had done for me. Since she has blood sugar concerns, I suggested she might want to try some Glu Care as well. Well, she got her order of Limu Plus and Glu Care last Tuesday and on Friday she was asking me to order her some more!

    To quote her, “My legs have been numb for several months. I started having feeling yesterday. Today my feet have some feeling. The numbness is from sugar. Here’s hoping for more!”

    I am so excited for her and not at all surprised at her success on Vitamark products. They are, by far, the best!

    Thank you for letting me share, and thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your wonderful products.

    Trish Frye
